Weekly recap - Week #43

11-02-2014 by Sebastian Schürmann

This was a week full of preparations.

The talk for the Berlin PHP Usergroup is finished. It features: bower, gulp, grunt, docker, chef, puppet, analytics, new relic, a lot of js frameworks and more. This is about how to avoid a re-write of your code in a year or two. I guess we all know the web will stay and we should code software for it like it stays. The slides are on Slideshare

My “Playpplication” Video for play4agile 2015 is out there. There was a formal process for everyone who wants to attend to make a video and put it online in order to avoid the normal “who clicks fastest gets a ticket” process. I liked it and it looks there is a reasonable amount of applications out there. Mine is here on youtube.

Still we are spreading the word about the Pairprogramming workshops in Hamburg and Munich. You can book both locations now.

I still hate cucumber.js a bit and I actively look for a user who can help me with the very long stack traces. That is not helpful and in the first run Dominik Jungowskis cucumber-assert did not help as well (yet). I might have a special configuration. Next week it will be back to the drawing board.

There is a new site about my workshops so that there is more visbility on trainings.

I added a new workshop about node.js on github. This is a classic 2 day training for small teams in need of an introduction to the node.js plattform.

Upcoming Workshops

Pairprogramming Workshop

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