Pair Programming workshops as product

10-01-2014 by Sebastian Schürmann

Its been more then two years that Soehnke Rumpler and I had been on the phone and talking about the contents of a workshop for the XP practice of pair programming. Ever since then, I have been approached by companies and individuals who wanted to get more information on this workshop.

Some Statistics

Speaking in terms of “Lean Startup” this product is already validated to a certain extend. The workshop was held in 8 teams with over 100 developers attending and has received a load of good remarks and a load of very good feedback regarding the long-term effects.

What is it?

The Pair-Programming workshop is a 2 day event that not only introduces your team to Pair-Programming as a techniques of developing software but encourages to tinker about basic values of Extreme Programming and the relevance of other practices to Teams in frameworks like Scrum or Kanban. It is a very developer oriented workshop that includes a very huge part of hands-on experience and tries to bring as much of the theory in practice.


  • Introduction to Extreme Programming
  • Learn different variants of Pair Programming
  • Learn how to reduce the Bus factor in your team, reduce human single-point-of-failure
  • Find out how you could set up workspaces, IDEs and other tools to help pairing
  • Find out when to use Pair Programming and when not to use it
  • Get ways to improve the skills of inexperienced developers without loosing to much time on synthetic learning exercises
  • Experient with and improve creative outputs in teamwork setups vs. a individualy working
  • Find out how you can use Dojos and Katas to improve the skills of the teams in a specific task
  • Improve the general abillity of teams to cooperate on Code beyond code reviews and TDD.

How it is going to work?

There will be 2 ways to book one of these Trainings: teambased or individual.

Teambased will be for complete development teams who want to add this and other XP techniques to their development toolbox. The training can be set up on site of your comany where your developers work and create awesome things. We will be able to directly review workplace setups, Scrum/Kanban boards and fit improvements directly into your workflow.

For Individual I will be looking for locations in Munich, Berlin and Hamburg so far and offering these trainings for individuals. Up to 10 Persons can book a individual ticket and try Pairing in a setup with other experienced developers. If you see need for such a training in your city, hit me up by mail or online of the contact forms on the page.

These are the plans for the next days and weeks. If you have any comment or suggestion: Feel welcome to make active use of the comments function on the bottom of the page.

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Pairprogramming Workshop

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